Dragon Organics is more than just a farm that believes in organic growing and healthy eating. We are part of a collaborative effort between New Alternatives, Inc., San Pasqual Academy, and the YES Program, providing learning opportunities through agricultural literacy, and hands on job skills to San Pasqual Academy's youth in order to help cultivate independent life skills. Dragon Organics offers agriculture elective courses, incorporates health and wellness into San Pasqual Academy's youth residential life, and provides an after-school paid internship program for students. Youth interns work alongside San Pasqual Academy's grandparents and agricultural employees of Dragon Organics in planting, sustaining, harvesting and selling crops. Dragon Organics promotes small business/ entrepreneurial skills, while helping students set goals and how to achieve them.
Senior Economics Course 2010
The farm has had many accomplishments thanks to all those involved! The farm is certified organic by CCOF and maintains great working relationships with natural grocers in San Diego County such as Jimbo's Naturally and Seaside Market in Cardiff. Our year around Community Supported Agriculture program is a great opportunity to sell produce direct to the consumer at retail value while building individual relationships in our community. Still, one of the highest priorities is to provide the highest quality produce to the students and staff of San Pasqual Academy!